I have spent ages researching good, interesting, funny and geeky
books for children. But with 45 min reading time on the school bus every
day, and another 30 if recess is rained out, I can hardly keep up with
keeping enough reading material for the boys at hand. I treasure the
extra-ordinary books that make the "Must Read" lists for children. But I
also need series books where I can pre-order 5-8 at once at the library
without having to review and think. Here the ones that got the thumbs
up from the boys and/or me, roughly sorted by reading ability and age.
(The best series is listed last, so if you are not interested in books for smaller kids, at least scroll down and read #10!)
1) "Henry and Mudge" / "Annie and Snowball" by Cynthia Rylant
28 / 12 books
series for beginning readers with heart-warming stories describing the
joys of being alive and having a best friend, who happens to be a dog. Problems are solved in a
logical manner, like finding a perfect pet for Annie (not too wet, not
too big ... "Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet") or figuring out
how to attract hummingbirds ("Annie and Snowball and the Pink
Surprise"). Some stories are clearly geeky, like making a pineapple
couch or a sweet potato shoe for Mother's Day ("Henry and Mudge and the
Funny Lunch"). A prequel series "Puppy Mudge" is written for entry-level
Top row from
left: "Henry and Mudge", the first "Calendar Mysteries" book; bottom
row: "Choose your own adventure books with outline of possible story
paths on the back |
2) " Mr. Putter and Tabby" by Cynthia Rylant
21 books
I know, another series by Cynthia Rylant, but read them and you will understand why. This one is about the
world seen through the eyes of a senior and his cat. As an adult, he
goes on different adventures than children typically do in those type of
books, and his age-related challenges are also not the usual fare.
Especially when he employs MacGyver-style problem solving skills, like
making a slingshot out of spare underwear ("Mr. Putter and Tabby pick
the Pears"). A great series to increase awareness that some people have
different needs or desires than a typical child, and that you are never
too old to try something new.
3) "The Magic Treehouse" by Mary Pope Osborne
49 books
two protagonists in this series travel across history in the Magic
Treehouse, using the books they bring along and some quick wit to solve
mysteries. I would recommend to read the books in order, since every 4
of them form a set in which a larger mystery is solved. Also, reading
level and complexity increases book by book, and there is a small
storyline overarching an even larger part of the series. At
children can decorate their own tree house and earn passport stamps by
answering reading comprehension questions for each book. Several books
also come with a fact tracker companion book with more detail on the
historic period.
4) A-Z Mysteries / The Calendar Mysteries / The Capital Mysteries by Ron Roy
26 / 10 (3 more releasing in fall 2014) / 14 books
detectives are solving cases by hypothesizing together and verifying
through collecting clues. My son was elated every time he was able to
guess who the criminal was before it was revealed in the book.
5) "Captain Underpants" / "
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot" by Dav Pilkey
10 (2 more planned) / 11 books
action, potty humor, hypnotized principal as superhero in underpants
... if these books don't get your children to read or laugh, then they
must be Vulcan. Read here for more.
6) "My Weird School" by Dan Gutman
53 books
Situated at
Ella Mentry School, these laugh out loud stories (unpractical when you
snuck up your book to your room to read waaaay past bedtime, right
Evel?), are told
by a second grader. Apparently the only sane people in the school are
the children, and together with his friends A.J. must devise plans to
keep the teachers from going completely over the edge of reasons, or
sometimes the roof of the school building. Each book is a rescue mission for a different teacher.
7) "Choose your own adventure" books, several authors
over 200 books
books, situated in locations like the Himalayan for a Yeti search or in the Deep Sea,
have multiple possible story lines and endings. Every few pages when a
decision has to be made, the reader can choose how the story should
continue. Routed to different pages based on the path that was chosen,
you might find the Yeti, go home unsuccessful, or freeze to death on the
mountain. There are several sub-series for different age groups.
8) "Nathan Abercrombie, accidental Zombie" by David Lubar
5 books
5th grader turns Zombie, which isn't as exhilarating as one might
think. For one there are lots of gross bodily changes when one is sort
of dead. But of course there are also advantages like not needing sleep
or being stronger than before. Only 5 books, but they are longer and
more complex, so hopefully they last longer for reading, too.
9) The 39 Clues, several authors
21 books, more releasing fall 2014
Jones turns 21st century for fast paced action, requiring deep
knowledge of history and state of the art cryptology skills to follow
the clues to an ancient family riddle -
read here for more.
10) The Discworld by Terry Pratchett
40 books
the series started out as adults books, 5 of the later entries are
specifically for young adults and have received several awards (The
Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents,
The Wee Free Men,
A Hat Full of Sky,
I Shall Wear Midnight).
They provide a gentle introduction to move into the adult fantasy genre
and the rest of the Discworld novels - a world on four elephants on the
back of a turtle resembling medieval society, where string theory
connects all libraries in all universes, DEATH reads books to kill the
time during near-death experiences that prevent him from fulfilling his
purpose, where time can be stretched and bent by time monks, and computers are run by ants
... nothing is impossible here. These books are insanely funny, and you will
never again look at footnotes quite the same way. They also impart
witty analogies to history, current events and trends in society, and
capture the true essence of ethical problems in a few, snarky sentences.
True geek form! I highly recommend to read the young adult as well as
the general
novels in order. Even though each book is self-sufficient, having the
back stories from the previous novels and following the character
development is very enjoyable.